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Vitals Percentile not apprearing in progress note
Date: 03/26/2013 Severity: Moderate
Category: EMR Reported By: LW2012
Version: V9.0.44 Status: New


Since we upgraded to Version 9.0.44 we have had many issues with various items in eCW. One example is that our Vitals percentiles do not appear in the progress note but do appear on the growth chart. It is intermittent and varies by user.  Identified as Bug ID 12763. Has any one else had this issue?

Yes, we've had it in 9.0.39 also. Sad to hear that it is not fixed in 9.0.44. A related issue that is not identified as a bug is the values not appearing for patients between the age of 2 years 1 day and 2 years 29 days old. The system will plot the data point correctly on the birth to 36 month, and 2-20 growth charts however it will not automatically fill in the %. On the birth to 36 month growth chart, even though it plots correctly, the legend states "below 3rd" for any value. The 2-20 growth chart has the correct plot and percentage.
Posted by sfroehle  on  03/27  at  03:32 PM
Reason provided by ECW for why % aren't automatically calculating (this is separate from the 2 year old issue above)...

If a patient has gestational age entered on their info page, then the vitals % will not auto calculate. Also, %s will not calculate for any patient entered after that (regardless if they have gestational age entered or not) within the same ecw session.
Posted by sfroehle  on  05/10  at  12:04 PM
We have bug ID 12877 related to pts ages 24-25 months. We were told the same explanation but it's not valid since we've had the issue since before we started recording Gestational Age. I wonder if it's also related to Bug ID 12763, wherein Growth Percentiles aren't showing at all (random for user, machine, pt, visit, and age.) Very frustrating.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  12/13  at  02:38 PM
Found out through another case that the reason the percentages do not automatically populate in the note for patients 2 yrs 1 day to 2 yrs 29 days old is because prior to the patient turning 2 yrs, the patient's age is calculated in days. Once they turn 2 their age starts calculating in months. Therefore, for the percentage to automatically populate, ecw would have to change their coding to calculate age in days for patients up to 2 years 30 days old. I highly doubt this will happen.

A workaround is to open the growth chart for the patient, select the weight growth chart, then click the close button in the lower right corner. This will populate the weight percentage in the vitals grid and on the progress note. Unfortunately you'd have to repeat the same steps to get length and OFC.

I agree this will be very frustrating for any Peds clinic.
Posted by sfroehle  on  12/13  at  05:27 PM
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