Bug Tracker :: Bug Details
14489 Duplicate/Multi copies of Void/Recreate
Date: 08/14/2014 Severity: Severe
Category: Insurance Claims Reported By: ProjecteCW
Version: V10 Status: New


Beginning in July we found that when some claims are void/recreated they were creating a duplicate void and a dup recreate. In August it exploded to multiple void/recreate copies going from 2 copies to 8 copies on each side. We found out that it is an existing bug however they are still working on the Why? This happened and How? This happened as we have not received any patches since our upgrade to V10 which happened on April 1st, 2014…yes..April Fools Day. eCW was able to generate a report of all the claims created on 8/1/2014 however we had go through all 6000+ claims and manually move the copies to a different claim status. The ones that occured in July both copies went out the insurance.

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